Brie Wollman

Brie Ann Wollman, whose name translates to "Powerful Grace, Night-Dweller at the Wellspring," is a psychopomp and WHOLEistic Witch-Weaver. She is intimately connected to the dark, embodying the enduring light of the stars that shine through the night, inviting others to explore their own depths and find nourishment in the mysteries within. As a muse and guide, Brie helps souls merge with the Numinous, facilitating personal transformation through life’s many deaths and rebirths. Her work is deeply rooted in nature’s cycles and the wisdom of the Wilds, where she draws her inspiration for embodying aliveness, radiance, and purpose.

Brie is the Creatrix and Foundress of *Briething Botanica*, where she brews potions for WHOLEistic wellness, with a special focus on women's vitality, sovereignty, and nervous system health. Her beloved *Goddess 🔻 Tincture* is a highlight of her offerings, reviving juicy living for women around the world. With over 25 years of experience in education, dance, somatics, magickal folk-herbalism, and ancestral practices, Brie weaves her knowledge into dynamic, personalized soul-work through 1-1 integration sessions, group programs, and sacred rituals. She is devoted to guiding individuals toward their own unique path of embodiment, pleasure, and thriving within the web of the natural world.

Like the wildflowers that bloom without asking for permission, your love flows—quiet, steadfast, and always so full of grace. I find myself deeply grateful for the way you embody this love in everything you touch, from the plants you tend to the words you weave, both blooming in their own quiet beauty.

Your poetic nature, Brie, has been a gift in my life—a reminder that there is always magic in the way we see the world, if only we choose to notice. The way your words flow, like a gentle stream over smooth stones, carries a wisdom that is both ancient and timeless. You offer a tenderness in your truth that makes the heart soften, a bravery in your vulnerability that lights a path for others to follow.

And oh, the way we share the sacredness of motherhood, of carrying life, of being rooted in the deep wisdom of wombanhood! It’s a dance that we both know well, a rhythm that moves us as we embrace our bodies, our sensuality, our connection to creation itself. Your presence in this space feels like coming home to a sister—a knowing that we are part of something so much bigger than ourselves, that our bodies hold stories of life, of pleasure, of the divine.

Your bravery, too, is something I hold with reverence. You stand in the face of fear, of uncertainty, with a heart wide open. It is not just in the big moments, but in the quiet choices you make every day—the commitment to your craft, your creations, your way of being in this world—that inspire me to lean deeper into my own courage.

And then there are your herbal creations, which deliver sweet whispers from the earth herself. Each one crafted with such intention, with a love that feels like a balm for the soul. Your work with the plants speaks of a deep connection, a relationship built on trust and reverence, and it shows in the healing that your creations bring to those lucky enough to experience them.

We are both explorers, lovers of hedonistic sensuality, seekers of the pleasure that flows through every moment of life. I treasure the way you embrace this—the way you move through the world with an openness to sensation, to the sweetness of being fully alive in our bodies. In this, we are kindred spirits, walking the path of embodiment, of unapologetic joy in the pleasures we are here to experience.

Through it all, your consistency shines. The way you commit to your craft, tending to it with the same care you give to everything you hold dear, is a quiet form of bravery all its own. You inspire me, time and again, to remain devoted to what I love, to show up even when it’s hard, and to trust that, like the plants you so lovingly tend, all things grow in their own time.

I am so grateful for you, Brie—for your love, your poetry, your bravery, your healing hands, and your unwavering commitment to your beautiful craft. For our shared passion for motherhood, womanhood, and the hedonistic joys of living fully and sensually in these beautiful and ever-changing bodies.

With so much love and tenderness,