Somatic Therapeutic Sessions

Learn the language of your nervous system, how to repattern your mind, and the tools it takes to feel regulated and resourced.

(Ages 18+)

Your nervous system has been protecting you from perceived dangers since before you were born. Can you imagine the possibilities if you found a way to let go of the perceptions that are no longer serving you?

Are you a returning client? Schedule your next bundle here!

What is Trauma?

Have you watched a child interact with their first birthday candle? They are full of wonder.

As somatic creatures, humans experience the world through our senses, often beginning in infancy with sight, then touch, then taste.

The candle becomes something that the child reaches for with pure curiosity, and if they succeed, they are burned.

That burn sends a pain signal through the nervous system to the pain receptors in the brain, telling it, “Fire hurts!” so we learn that fire is not safe to touch.

Our survival instincts remind us to avoid painful things, protecting us from harm.

Survival energy serves you in many ways, protecting you and reminding you of how to stay alive. “Then why do I experience trauma in so many undesired ways?” you might wonder.

Because trauma is the survival energy that is no longer serving you.

If you get in a car accident in the rain after years of driving, you might begin to feel discomfort or anxiety on rainy days. You might become afraid of driving. Your survival energy from the event would have embedded itself into your subconscious mind, telling you that driving and rain are forever unsafe.

But is that true? Is driving always unsafe? Is rain always unsafe? Your conscious mind is painfully aware that the beliefs of your unconscious mind are not helpful.

Trauma is survival energy that is no longer serving you.

In order to guide unwanted survival energy out of the body, you must learn the language of your subconscious mind.

Learning to link your conscious with your subconscious will make it possible for you to experience a release of old and un-serving traumas, allowing you to unlink anxiety or fear with ordinary occurrences.

For example, you could release a survival response you might be struggling with around canines. Perhaps it stems from an aggressive dog bite. Unlinking that anxiety from the ever-so-common canine would create the opportunity for you to feel safe while strolling past a neighbor as they walk their dog.

The gain would be simple, yet so impactful on your day-to-day life. Rather than purely surviving, you would begin living!

Have you ever experienced an inexplicable moment where you felt startled with fear, but had no logical explanation as to what caused it?

Some of our natural survival responses have been given to us during our neurological development, created for us by our ancestors through their survival experiences. These instincts can be helpful, but they also can be limiting to our desired lifestyles.

“But how do I work through a trauma event that I don’t even remember?”

The story of the event that caused your survival energy is not required for a purge to be possible.

Instead, you can learn how to interface with all 5 channels of awareness, allowing your animal body to take the wheel as you digest and release unwanted survival energy.

You have mastered survival mode, now it is time to live!

In sessions, you will not only learn the 5 channels of awareness, but you will learn to recognize survival energies in the body.

With this new skill set, you will have the knowledge to spot fight, fawn, flight, and freeze energies as they arise, allowing you to show up for yourself with more conscious awareness when determining your needs through a triggering event.

Once you can pinpoint your needs, we can begin to implement tools for daily application in interacting with others in difficult moments.

When we understand why our undesired reactions occur, we can begin to show up better for ourselves and for our loved ones.

The tools you can receive from Somatic Therapeutic Sessions will change the way you show up in relationships if you allow them to.

When you have the ability to recognize survival energy that is present in others, you can step outside of your own experience long enough to support them, helping them to feel seen, heard, and loved.

With this sense of presence and love, your relationships can naturally deepen, offering reciprocal fulfillment for you and them.

The trauma-informed knowledge you can receive is applicable to people of all ages!

Children who are raised with these tools grow up to become more resourced, conscious humans, knowing how to step outside of the box and parrot the behaviors you will have modeled for them with your new behaviors.

When you purge stuck survival energy, you begin to feel relaxed and more alive in your body.

When people allow themselves to digest and purge trauma energy, they often describe sensations of lightness, relaxation, bodily comfort, aliveness, fuller presence, feeling energized, and ready to take on the world.

The look on their faces is akin to someone who received a great massage, woke from a rejuvenating nap, or is arriving on their first day of vacation.

Imagine that energy, that feeling, for a moment.

What would you choose to do with this sense of aliveness?


“I couldn't recommend Kiersten enough, she absolutely slayed the training and would be an amazing person to receive somatic work from. “

Kaira Mayestra

“Amazing Session! Kiersten helped me connect to a part of myself I had not been listening to. I had been stuck in a toxic cycle in my business and I can now see the pattern and can show myself how to get out of it. I am new to somatic therapy and sometimes have a hard time connecting to my body and emotions and she made it easy. Since our session I am able to recognize the pattern and steer myself out of it - thanks!.”


“Kiersten is a passionate, empathetic facilitator. A very giving soul, filled to the brim with love and compassion her lens of healthy sensuality and acceptance of sexual promiscuity makes her ideal for sex workers and anyone with a relationship to sexual taboos. She can handle it, and instinctively sets boundaries with respect, and does not block the journey needed to move into a healed space. I was able to speak about my past traumas and feel through my social abuse without feeling forced or insecure. I felt safe and able to engage in this healing process without judgment or fear. I recommend her for anyone who may feel too perverse or fearful of judgment or self-proclaimed to be un-fixable because she gives you grace and courage to interface with whatever mental or physical blockages that may prevent you from releasing your mental and physical pains or limitations.”

Erin Renee

Scheduling Your Somatic Therapeutic Sessions

is as easy as 1, 2, 3!

We begin with a 10-minute call to answer any lingering questions you may have and discuss what our intake call will look like.

We will discuss our intentions in session and determine if this practice is a good fit for you.

This also gives you the opportunity to gather your first impression of me as your facilitator, allowing you a sneak peek at what conversation could feel like while in a session.

Our intake session will be our “getting to know you” session. Upon scheduling, you will be prompted to complete the intake forms.

Once our session begins, we get acclimated to one another and I share the “what to expect” of Somatic Therapy while beginning to assess your goals and needs for future sessions.

These sessions are single sessions only and must be completed before your purchase of Session Bundles.

Session Bundles consist of 5, 7, and 11-packs to begin.

During our intake session, you will have received an estimation of what number of bundle sessions you may desire to claim to achieve your goals during our time together.

More bundles may be purchased at a later date if you desire to continue our time together once your sessions are complete.


As a “Thank you” for visiting my website and considering this powerful form of self-care, enjoy the Sacred Cords Alchemizing YouTube Music playlist!