Delaney Dwight

Delaney is a sophianic alchemist, mystic, oracle, and somatic therapist whose life is a profound devotion to the restoration of the earth, the divine feminine and masculine, and the sacredness of our bodies as temples of spirit. As the founder of Primal Femme and the visionary behind Soul Aligned Fitness and The Art of Sacred Strip Tease, Delaney believes that it is every woman's birthright to reclaim her primal essence and live as a sovereign, connected, sensual, and healthy being.

With over a decade of experience diving deep into her own lived experiences and gnostic journey, Delaney has immersed herself in a vast range of philosophies. Her work is dedicated to awakening love, freedom, sovereignty, innocence, primal embodiment, and consciousness within both humanity and the planet. She is here to guide others on the path of self-discovery, helping them reconnect with their primal nature and embrace their true, unbridled selves.

Delaney’s connection to the earth is deeply personal and profoundly spiritual. She is building a food forest on her land in Miami, a testament to her commitment to nurturing the land and creating sustainable, regenerative spaces. Her passion for ritual and tuning into our natural rhythms as humans is woven into every aspect of her life and work. She understands that our connection to the earth mirrors our connection to ourselves, and she brings this wisdom into her teachings and practices.

Devoted to her body and to the deep, meaningful connections she fosters, Delaney embodies the principles she teaches. Her work is not just about guiding others but also about living as an example of what it means to be fully alive, fully present, and fully connected to the sacredness of life.

Delaney is a force of nature, a guardian of the sacred, and a devoted teacher. Through her work, she invites others to step into their power, embrace their primal essence, and live in harmony with the earth and their own divine nature.

Sister kitty, In the sweet, sun-kissed glow of morning, as the world stirs and stretches,

I find myself curled up in a cozy ball of gratitude,

Purring with the warmth of all the memories we've created.

You, my wild-hearted, playful sister, have been a bright, twinkling star

Guiding me back to that delightful dance of my inner child,

Where joy bubbles up like laughter and flow feels like a ticklish breeze on the skin.

Your movement classes, those magical portals of rhythm and grace,

Have been like a game of hopscotch on a sunny day,

Each step a playful leap into the freedom of being fully alive.

In your sacred space, I've rediscovered the thrill of twirling,

The bliss of simply moving, feeling, being,

As if the world was our playground and we were the children of the cosmos,

Dancing with the universe itself.

Delaney, the way you hold space—so deeply attuned, so lovingly present—

Is like being wrapped in the softest blanket,

A hug from the Earth, grounding yet boundless.

Your love, your wisdom, your true withness,

Have been the most tender and affirming embrace,

Holding me in a circle of sisterhood where every heartbeat is heard,

Every soul is seen, and every spark is honored.

In your presence, I’ve felt the sacred power of connection,

The beauty of being fully here, fully now, fully us.

How could I ever forget our time together in the jungle,

Shedding not just our clothes but the heavy cloaks of everything that no longer fit?

The air was thick with the scent of earth and freedom,

And we reveled in the wildness of being just as we are,

Nature's daughters, naked and unashamed,

Dancing to the rhythm of our true selves.

And the beach play! Oh, the way the waves joined our laughter,

Crashing in applause for the joy we unleashed on the shore.

Your gentle fire, always glowing, always steady,

Has lit a path in my heart that I will follow forever.

Thank you, sweet sister, for the gift of play,

For the sisterly love that wraps around me like a favorite sweater,

For the vulnerability you’ve shared, which has opened doors to my own.

In your eyes, I’ve seen reflections of my truest self,

And in your company, I’ve felt the joy of being simply and unapologetically me.

And oh, the logo—the gorgeous, shimmering emblem of Sacred Cords,

Co-created by our hands and hearts, it holds the magic of everything we are.

It’s not just a design; it’s the living, breathing soul of our sisterhood,

A symbol of the thread that connects us all in love, in purpose, in magic.

Thank you for pouring your spirit into it,

For making Sacred Cords feel like the true, connected thread of sisterhood that it is.

Delaney, you are my playmate, my confidante, my sister of the stars.

Thank you for being all that you are, for bringing your beautiful self to this dance of life with me.

I am so grateful for the path we walk together, paw in paw, heart in heart.

With all my love and a playful purr,