Join the Directory

You have been invited to be a FEATURED sister in the Sisterhood Directory!

The intention behind the Sisterhood Directory is to take the first step in showing that it is safe to be in sisterhood. I continue to see the same fear come through on repeat when women are first invited to gather with other women. They are often deeply desiring to be connected, yet they stand on guard, closed, and uncomfortable.

My desire is to show that when we let down our walls and allow women into our most beloved spaces, we feel more full, more loved, and more in love with ourselves. And what better way to display that than to uplift my sister entrepreneurs? We are many, we are powerful, and we deserve more visibility!

In case you do not know, SEO loves to see your links in multiple locations. You gain visibility in algorithms simply by saying “yes” and adding your site or social profile to this directory. You truly benefit from being listed under someone else’s site! I want to gift this to you.

You are one of the women who I have chosen to feature at the top of the directory as someone who has had an incredible impact on me and on Sacred Cords. Each of the women at the top of the directory will have a button that leads to a page with their bio, photos, a description written by me of how they have impacted Sacred Cords, and any links they have shared.

If you are a yes, complete the form below!