Jessi Magick

Jessi is an artist of primal embodiment and tender of soma gardens, who poetically pours presence over soul, whispersinging us HOME.

She curiously untangles all we think we know for sure - and crafts space for the emergent potential of limitless cycles of regeneration, creation, decay and wild soulfed living.

She’s has been guiding yoga and energy care, while training hundreds of teachers around the world for 13 years. She’s mentored dozens of budding priestesses, energy workers, and wellness guides in their personal development, professional skills and conscious business practices since 2017. She’s lead sold out retreats in 4 countries and is ecstatic to be home deeply anchoring in CT after living in Costa Rica for 2 years.

She is an animist who tends a deep kinship with the natural world, the seasons, and the agricultural - pagan wheel of the year. A practicing Witch, she believes that we weave our path in this life with a lot of trust and a pinch of magick.

In all of her creations, she brews a decadent potion extracting the nectars of neuroscience, somatic psychology, polyvagal theory, presencing embodiment, eclectic self-awareness, Celtic witchcraft, folk herbalism, dark feminine wisdom, and sensual empowerment.

Attuned by songs of the soul of the world - Jessi shares herself as artist, guide, poet, muse mentor, flame tender, way seeker, with trust that the greatest symphonies unfold in the deepest presence.

She is the muse-creator of a continuum of home frequency we call Wild Essence, which is a mystery school of experience that hosts wellness courses online and seasonal in person gatherings.

Gatherings are infused with intentional slowness, soma-tending, embodied aliveness, restoration, play, creativity, empowerment, gentle ritual, and a spiral dance with the cosmic mystery.

She also owns a retreat business called HedonismTravel that hosts international wellness retreats in Costa Rica worldwide.

A dreamer-songstress who tastes colors and sees sounds, Jessi devotes herself as deep listener to the wild weaving of the natural world tracing fractals of eternal time between the breaths of the animal body.

In the sacred hush of dawn, where dew kisses the earth's lips,
I find myself tracing the lines of our journey, etched deep in the soil of time.
Your essence, Wild and untamed, has woven itself through the fibers of my being,
A dance of shadow and light, where every step feels like homecoming.

How do I thank the wind for carrying whispers of the ancient ones?
How do I bow to the moon for sharing her secrets under the velvet cloak of night?
So I find myself here, with words as offerings,
To the woman who has walked beside me, a sister in spirit,
Sharing the wisdom of earth and stars, of roots and wings.

Jess, your witchiness—like a cauldron simmering with magic—
Has brewed countless spells of connection, of love, of transformation.
You’ve held space for the wild ones, the seekers, the dreamers,
And in that space, I have felt safe to shed my old skins,
To let the rivers of my soul run clear, wild, and free.

Your playful heart, a spark of joy that dances in the firelight,
Has reminded me of the beauty in laughter, in tears, in the rawness of being.
Each iteration of you, a petal unfurling, has been a lesson,
A gift wrapped in the ribbons of experience,
Teaching me to embrace the fluidity of self, to revel in the becoming.

We have shared so much, you and I,
Through the seasons of our lives, through the spirals of our souls.
And now, as I sit under the oak tree of memory,
I feel the deepest gratitude for the cohorts we have moved through together,
For the threads of your wisdom that have stitched new patterns in my heart.

Thank you, dear Jess, for your wild essence,
For the grace of your presence, for the magic in your veins.
May we continue to dance through the veils of time,
Sisters in spirit, bound by the threads of love and light.

With all my love and a heart full of blessings,